
Minggu, 19 November 2017

Quickr Aov

Quikr, india’s no. 1 online classifieds platform, is all about you. our aim is to empower every person in the country to independently connect with. Quikr is an indian classified advertising platform. it was founded by pranay chulet and jiby thomas in 2008. headquartered in bangalore, quikr has listings in. Quikr.com. add a comment... no plus ones. no shares. post has attachment. quikr. public.

Ibm lotus quickr is part of the ibm platform for social business offering a rich set of features (such as team spaces, content libraries, discussion forums and wikis. Quikr is a free classifieds app where you can buy, sell, rent or find anything. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about quikr: local classifieds. download quikr: local classifieds and enjoy it on.


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